please send your comments or requests for information to Poka at If you feel inclined to support our fight, join us on the week of December 7, 2009.
No. At least according to Hawaii's Territorial Governor, William Quinn, who was appointed by the U.S. President by the way. Read this dialogue from 1996. See Page 5. Har, Har, Har, indeed..... -Poha
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Gather at Ala Moana park, Diamond Head side.Welcome, opening oli, reason for the gathering, activities for the day, 'action' at two places; discussion on safety; march order; etc.
Begin march; proceed to street inside park and cross Ala Moana Blvd. with police escort; wait on Atkinson Drive for other marchers to cross; begin Action 1 on Atkinson with signs facing drivers, and puppet in the center; wait for other marchers to cross street
Continue march to convention center in designated lanes; arrive 11:15
Arrive convention center; stay on Atkinson Drive for Action 2; those concerned about safety remain on sidewalk; 3 or 4 chanters chant in the round (I ku maumau); puppet head in the center of street with crowd surging around them; after chanting, puppet is dismantled; American flag is released, last star is cut off, star is symbolically "recycled"; this action takes place on the street
Marchers enter into convention center property, outside glass doors; chanters provide oli for beginning of rally program
Rally takes place outside convention center near statue; Poka oversees program
On January 16, 1893, American marines landed in peaceful Hawaii armed with Gatling guns, Howitzer cannons, double cartridge belts filled with ammuni¬tion, carbines and other instruments of war. The U.S. troops marched along the streets of Honolulu, rifles facing `Iolani palace, the seat of Hawaii's sovereignty.
The following day, resident conspirators numbering 18, mostly Americans, sneaked to the back steps of a government building a few yards from where the Ameri¬can troops had purposely lodg¬ed the night before. There, Henry Cooper, an American lawyer and resident of Hawaii for less than a year, proclaimed that he and seventeen others were now the govern¬ment of Hawaii. Calling themselves the "provisio¬nal govern¬ment" and selecting Sanford Dole president, they were to exist for the explicit purpose of annexing Hawaii to the United States.
American Minister Plenipotentiary John L. Stevens immediately recognized the "provisional government" as the government of Hawaii. He than joined in their demand that Queen Lili`uokalani, the constitutional monarch of the Hawaiian nation or surrender under threat of war with the United States.
Under such threat, the Queen eventually capitulated, but not without protest. These are her words:
I, Lili`uokalani, by the grace of God and under the constitution of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Queen, do hereby solemnly protest against any and all acts done against myself and the constitutional Government of the Hawaiian Kingdom by certain persons claiming to have established a Provisional Government of and for this Kingdom.
That I yield to the superior force of the United States of America, whose minister plenipotentiary, His Excellency John L. Stevens, has caused United States troops to be landed at Honolulu and declared that he would support the Provisional Government.
Now, to avoid any collision of armed forces and perhaps the loss of life, I do, under this protest, and impelled by said force, yield my authority until such time as the Government of the United States shall, upon the facts being presented to it, undo the action of its representative and rein¬state me and the authority which I claim as the constitutional sovereign of the Hawaiian Islands.
Rather than undoing its actions, the United States continued in its conspiracy to deprive an independent people of their right to self-determination, forcing Hawaii to serve it as the command headquarters of its Pacific military forces as well as an important finger of the American economic hand reaching into Asia.
Join us at a March & Rally for Hawaiian Independence on August 21, 2009, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. We will be meeting at the atkinson entrance of Ala Moana Beachpark and walking to the Hawaii Convention Center where the State will be holding their conference, "New Horizons for the Next 50 Years: A Commemoration Conference"
For more details, log onto and see my other documents here:
On the occasion of the 50th year since the proclamation by Dwight Eisenhower, that Hawaii was a State of the United States of America, we will march and rally to reassert our commitment to Hawaii’s independence instead.
We believe a nation never dies unless its national consciousness dies. The years of colonization has not killed the Hawaiian nation as long as we retain the life of the nation in our hearts and souls. We will mark this point in our history with a march on August 21, Friday, starting at 10:00 a.m. gathering at Ala Moana Beach Park, traveling along Atkinson Drive, and congregating at the front of the Hawaii Convention Center on Atkinson Drive. We will end at 1:00 p.m.
This March & Rally will be held at the Convention Center as opposed to the State Capitol or Iolani Palace because all the State leaders and press coverage will center around the convention center. You can educate yourself on the details of the location for the Rally by visiting the convention's website here:
It was more a lack of maturity then valid protest when the U.S. and its coalition of the West walked out of the speech of Iran's President Ahmadinejad at the Durban Conference on Racism. What are such conferences for if not to allow differences of opinions and open and respectful debate? The general media has fallen into its general failing of not going the extra few inches to look deeper behind the issue. For example, it should have at least read Ahmadinejad's speech and dealt with the offending remarks with mature objectivity and treated it as simply the expression of the President of Iran. Instead of reporting on the substance of his speech, the media simply talked about the walk-out.